miércoles, 9 de noviembre de 2016

Desciption of Nelson Mandela

Routine in the prision

Mandela Likes and Dislikes

Mandela  Liked   
He liked Boxing, Reading and Writing Books, Gardening
His Favorite Color was the Black
His Favorite Favorite Food wasTripe
His Favorite Favorite Drink was Amarhewu
His Favorite Favorite Book was  The Grapes of Wrath and Complete Works of Shakespeare
His Favorite Favorite Music was European Classic Music
His Favorite Favorite Poem was “Invictus” by William Ernest Henley
His Favorite Favorite Sports was Boxing
His Favorite Favorite Pets was Dogs

Mandela  Disliked

He disliked the name "Nelson"  (The name "Nelson" was given to him by his teacher on his first day of elementary school. It's not clear why she chose that particular name. It was the 1920s, and African children were given English names so colonial masters could pronounce them easily).Mandela's birth name was Rolihlahla. In his Xhosa tribe, the name means pulling the branch of a tree or troublemaker.
He disliked against apartheid.
He did not like the violence.
He disliked injustice.

Mandela´s Home

The Mandela House at 8115 Orlando West, on the corner of Vilakazi and Ngakane Streets, Soweto, is part of a Johannesburg City tender for new houses in Orlando. Nelson Mandela moved here in 1946 with his first wife, Evelyn Ntoko Mase, They divorced in 1957, and from 1958 he was joined in the house by his second wife, Nomzamo Winifred Madikizela (Winnie). The house itself is identical to hundreds of others built on postage-stamp-size plots on dirt roads. It had the same standard tin roof, the same cement floor, a narrow kitchen, and a bucket toilet at the back. Although there were street lamps outside we used paraffin lamps as the homes were not yet electrified. The bedroom was so small that a double bed took up almost the entire floor space.No. 8115 has been entrenched as one of South Africa’s most significant heritage sites because it tells the tale, in sound, film, interpretive panels and guided tours, of the Mandela family during the apartheid era and beyond.

You can still walk around the interior of the house as before, but now there is a highly narrative element to your experience, which is enhanced by the addition of a visitor center. Staff at Mandela House allow 20 visitors in at a time for ease of access,You should  see the Mandela House at 8115 Orlando West while you are in South Africa,You mustn’t touch the element of the museum,You shouldn’t  walk around  the  home alone or without a guide, You must pay the pass to de house.

lunes, 7 de noviembre de 2016

Music inspired by Mandela

Mandela's Songs 

There are many songs dedicated to Mandela's legacy. Many artists inspired by his life have made songs Here a list

ORDINARY LOVE Movie Long Walk to Freedom

Pablo Milanes
Nelsoon Mandela y sus dos amores

Barrington Levy-Mandela Free

Youssou N'Dour - Nelson Mandela




On 10 May 1994 he was inaugurated as South Africa’s first democratically elected President. On his 80th birthday in 1998 he married Graça Machel, his third wife.
True to his promise, Mandela stepped down in 1999 after one term as President. He continued to work with the Nelson Mandela Children’s Fund he set up in 1995 and established the Nelson Mandela Foundation and The Mandela Rhodes Foundation.
In April 2007 his grandson, Mandla Mandela, was installed as head of the Mvezo Traditional Council at a ceremony at the Mvezo Great Place.
Nelson Mandela never wavered in his devotion to democracy, equality and learning. Despite terrible provocation, he never answered racism with racism. His life is an inspiration to all who are oppressed and deprived; and to all who are opposed to oppression and deprivation.
He died at his home in Johannesburg on 5 December 2013.

domingo, 6 de noviembre de 2016

Human rigth


APARTHEID: Afrikaans word for "the state of being apart"; system of racial segregation in South Africa enforced through legislation by the National Party (NP) governments in power from 1948 to 1994

Apartheid was the system of racial segregation in South Africa. Its etymological meaning is 'separation'. This system consisted of the creation of separate places for different racial groups. Was the exclusive power of the white race over the black race, the vote restricted and prohibited marriage or sexual relations between whites and blacks. Its purpose was to retain power for the white minority (21% of the population). It was in force until the 90's.
Apartheid consisted of the division of racial groups to "promote" development. All this movement was led by the white race, which established laws to cultural, social, economic and political level. This system produced revolutions and resistance on the part of non-white citizens.